Sunday, December 22, 2013

Stretching Yourself!

Why stretch:
Hi guys lets talk about stretching.  Stretching allows better extension and  range of motion throughout your limbs. A good stretch routine increases the efficiency of your workouts. Furthermore, it increases your ability to build muscle as well as prevent injury. Stretching increases blood flow to your muscles; loosens muscle fibers, tendons and joints. Therefore, it allows optimal performance during your workout by increasing your ability to properly execute particular exercise movements.

How much time:
I like the philosophy of using a 1:2 ratio of stretching to exercise. For example, if you workout for 3 hours a week then you should stretch for approximately 90 minutes per week; so your stretching half the amount of time you are working out over the course of a week. 

Find what works best for you:
If your weekly stretch time is 90 minutes then you can choose to break that into three 30 minute sessions, or two 45 minute sessions (for a total of 90 minutes). I suggest combining your stretch days with your cardio routine as they go well together.
How long to hold a stretch: 
Now there is no exact science to keeping your muscles limber. The following are a few suggestions to start from: If you're under 40 years old, hold your stretches for 30 seconds. If you're over 40, hold them for 60 seconds. As you reach your 40s, your muscles become less pliable, so they need to be stretched longer. Always stretch your tighter side first, for example, left leg before right leg; this gives the option of stretching the tighter side an additional time before moving on. After your workout is a great time to stretch; as well as before your cardio routine. 

"Stretching means if you can't you must...., when you put yourself on the line you come through." 
~Tony Robbins~ 

*How often do you stretch?

*What types of stretching routine do you use? Yoga? Standard stretching? 

*Are you going to add stretching to your workout routine and why?