Wednesday, December 23, 2015

4 Weight Loss Tips You’ve Never Heard Before

You’re all set to lose some weight. But you’ve just about heard every bit of that stale, tried and tested weight loss advice. “Eat more vegetables!” “Limit your portions!” “Exercise more!” We’ve heard all that before.
Maybe what you really need this time is a fresh start. This is why I am here to provide you with a few interesting weight loss tips that you’ve probably never heard of before. These will be enough to excite you and get you to try a new weight loss regime from today.
Here are four diet tips you might have not heard of yet:
  1. Have Barley for Breakfast

Barley is the new oatmeal! How? Well this is all thanks to the Swedish researchers who found that consuming rye kernels or barley for breakfast keeps blood sugar even. How is that possible, you ask? Well the carbs in rye kennels and barley are low glycemic index, which means they are slower at raising blood sugar as compared to other carbs. With barley for breakfast, you get to avoid the spike and sudden drop in your blood sugar, which can often leave you to feel famished.
  1. Beef Up Your Lunch Salad

This is pretty much self-explanatory. Dieters mostly consume a simple veggie salad for lunch. This leads to mid-afternoon starvation. Of course, salad is a fantastic choice. But you need to add some protein and fat to it to make sure you stay full for longer. So don’t be afraid to add in some chicken breast and light salad dressing to your lunch.
  1. Make Yourself a Party Tray

I am talking about a big vegetable platter that can consist of some low-fat dip on the side. Make sure you keep this in your fridge at eye level. This will encourage you to snack healthy while also avoiding any high caloric contents in the refrigerator.
We’ve already learnt from studies that we tend to eat a lot more once food gets within easier reach. In fact, according to a research carried out by Brian Wansink, director of the Lab for Food and Brand at the Cornell University, (who also happens to be a PhD) secretaries who had placed candy on the desks ate nearly 50% more as compared to when the same candy was almost 6 feet away from them.
  1. Turn Down the Thermostat
If you spend time in a cold house – nearly 61o Fahrenheit – can actually boost your body’s fat burning capabilities of the “brown fat”. Brown fat is what we also call the “good” fat. This kind of fat, as opposed to the regular white fat, stores calories and has a tendency of accumulating.
Scandinavian researchers have found that staying in chilly temperatures can boost the metabolic rate of your brown fat by as much as 15 fold. This obviously helps you burn more calories. However, you shouldn’t expect miracles to happen. This will hardly be a noticeable difference.
Anyhow, these are the tips I had for you. I’m pretty sure you never heard of them before – or did you? Let me know through your comments!