Tuesday, February 16, 2016

8 Benefits of Low Carbohydrate Diets

Low carbohydrate diets have been the center of controversy for decades now. Mainly because people thought they would cause heart disease and raise cholesterol due to the high fat content. However, since 2002, more than 20 human studies have been carried out on low carbohydrate diets. And in almost each of these studies, low carbohydrate dieting came out ahead of all other sorts of dieting in comparison.
For starters, not only do low carbohydrate diets lead to more weight loss, they also provide considerable improvements in several risk factors, such as cholesterol.
The following are 8 proven benefits of low carbohydrate diets.

1.     Low carbohydrate diet kills your appetite (for the right reasons)

When a person cuts carbohydrates, their appetite goes down and resultantly, they end up consuming fewer calories without even trying.

2.     Low carbohydrate diet leads to more weight loss

Cutting back on carbohydrates is among the simplest and most efficient ways to experience weight loss. Almost without any exception, low carbohydrate diet leads to more weight loss as compared to other diets, specifically in the initial 6 months.

3.     Most of the fat that is lost comes from the abdominal region

A large amount of fat that is lost during low carb dieting usually comes from the dangerous fat in your abdominal cavity, which is also known for causing serious metabolic issues.

4.     Levels of HDL (the good cholesterol) are increased.

Low carbohydrate diets are usually high in terms of fat, which causes a significant increase in the blood levels of HDL, which is mostly termed the “good” cholesterol.

5.     Reduced insulin and blood sugar levels, with a considerable improvement in Type II Diabetes

The most effective manner of lowering insulin and blood sugar levels is reducing carb consumption. This is also the best way to treat (or even possibly reverse) type 2 diabetes.

6.     Blood pressure also usually goes down

According to studies, cutting back on carbohydrates leads to a considerable reduction in one’s blood pressure, which can possibly create reduced risks of several common diseases.

7.     Low carbohydrate diet is the most effective metabolic syndrome treatment

Low carbohydrate dieting effectively reverses all the five main symptoms of a serious condition, i.e. the metabolic syndrome. This syndrome is known for predisposing people to type II diabetes and heart disease.

8.     Low carbohydrate diet is therapeutic for many brain disorders

It’s mostly cited that glucose is important for the brain. This is indeed true. A few parts of the brain are only capable of burning glucose. This is why the liver creates glucose from protein in case we aren’t eating any carbohydrates. However, a large portion of your brain is also capable of burning ketones, which are created when carb intake is quite low or during starvation. Click here to learn more about low carb diets on Amazon.