Thursday, July 23, 2015

Weight Loss Basics 101

When you say "I need to lose weight," what you're really saying is "I need to lose body fat." Your body is primarily made up of three things: Fat (stored fuel), muscle tissue (burns fuel to create energy), Bones and organs (everything else).

Body fat is how your body stores excess calories (energy) for future use. Weight control is a matter of calorie balance. If you consume calories in surplus you will gain weight, if you eat at a caloric deficit then you will lose weight. 

Fat obscures the natural shape of your body. Moreover, fat masks your underlying shape and physique. Too much fat will also make it difficult to move around and make you feel tired and lethargic. Your muscles are what move you around and give your body its shape when fat is removed.

Bones and organs make up the majority of your remaining weight. All three components added together make up your total body weight. Clearly we can't lose weight from our bones or organs. So our focus will be on the areas we can change, muscle tissue and body fat.

Strength training increases both your muscle tissue and metabolic rate (how fast you burn calories). Cardiovascular (cardio) or aerobic exercise burns a significant amount of calories during the time you spend exercising. Basic strategy for losing weight is to eat less calories (caloric deficit), and exercise more (burn more calories). Let's call that "weight loss 101." 

There are a number of different diets out there that will help you achieve the goals of eating healthier foods and eating less calories. Furthermore, there is more than one way to reach a specific goal. My advice would be to focus on creating an eating lifestyle rather than going on a diet. Diets have their place but are temporary whereas an eating lifestyle has more permanence. Furthermore, Amazon has some great products for weight loss.

So remember, by increasing the time you spend exercising (both cardio and strength training) and decreasing the amount of calories you consume is a great basic strategy to losing weight and reshaping your body. Please share your current exercise routine and diet or eating lifestyle in the comments section!

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Chlorophyll & Weight Loss

Chlorophyll is the green pigment that gives plants its color. This pigment absorbs energy from the sun to facilitate photosynthesis in plants. Plants use chlorophyll and light to make food. 

Chlorophyll to plants is like blood to humans. There are many benefits to adding chlorophyll to your diet. Chlorophyll is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, and K, and it’s considered a natural deodorizer.

Chlorophyll also assists in weight loss, since it's rich in fiber and it can increase metabolism. Some studies have shown that chlorophyll can suppress your appetite. Chlorophyll also helps in neutralizing the pollution that we breathe in and intake every day. It's a good supplement for smokers. There are many benefits to adding chlorophyll to your diet, below I will list a few more:


Reduces-  bad breath, body odor, and the smell of urine and fecal waste

Detox- increase blood flow and oxygen in the blood triggered by the presence of chlorophyll helps the body flush out harmful toxins much faster

Restores Red Blood Cells

Improves digestive health

Improves Skin

Sunday, July 19, 2015

What Is My BMI?

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of your body fat based on height and weight. The most basic definition of overweight and obesity is having too much body fat. An elevated BMI can be a health risk. A reliable way to determine whether a person has too much body fat is to calculate the ratio of their weight to their heightThis ratio, called the body mass index (BMI).

There are categories (ranges) of BMI from unhealthy to healthy for each person (see chart below). Remember that these ranges are not set in stone. There are exceptions based on the varying  body compositions of each individual. However, the chart below does give a good framework and starting point for finding a healthy body mass index. Therefore finding out your BMI is a great place to start with weight loss efforts!
BMI Categories: 
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 
Overweight = 25–29.9 
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is high, you may have an increased risk of developing certain diseases including: 1. high blood pressure 2. heart disease 3. high cholesterol and 4. Type 2 Diabetes  5. sleep apnea 6. osteoarthritis 7. femaleinfertility 8. gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) 9. 10. urinary stress

Saturday, July 18, 2015

8 Foods You Should Eat Every Day

1. Spinach- This muscle builder is a rich source of plant-based omega- 3s and folate, which help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis. 2. Yogurt- Helps boost your immune system and provides protection against cancer. When purchasing Yogurt make sure the label says “live and active cultures.” Eat at least one cup a day. 3. Tomatoes- Red tomatoes are packed with an antioxidant (a substance such as vitamin C or E that removes potentially damaging oxidizing agents in a living organism) called lycopene. Studies show that a diet rich in lycopene can decrease your risk of bladder, lung, prostate, skin, and stomach cancers, as well as reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. 4. Carrots- Carrots are spiked with carotenoids (vitamin A), fat soluble compounds that are associated with a reduction in a wide range of cancers, as well as reduced risk and severity of inflammatory conditions such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. 5. Blueberries- Has more antioxidants than any other North American fruit, blueberries help prevent cancer, diabetes, and age related memory changes. Blueberries also boost cardiovascular health. 6. Black Beans- All beans are good for your heart, but none can boost your brain power like black beans. That’s because they’re full of anthocyanins (antioxidant) compounds that have been shown to improve brain function. 7. Walnuts- Richer in heart healthy omega- 3s than salmon, loaded with more anti-inflammatory polyphenols ( plant based molecules that have antioxidant properties) than red wine, and packing half as much muscle building protein as chicken. Walnuts are also great as a post workout recovery snack. 8. Oats- They’re packed with soluble fiber, which lowers the risk of heart disease.

Related Links:

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Morning Metabolism Workout

The 1000-Rep Morning Metabolism Igniter. Light Your Fat-Frying Furnace for the entire day.

Mornings are tough and morning 
workouts are tougher. But the right routine is worth waking up for, especially if it allows you to crank out 1,000 reps in 30 minutes, like this one from Craig Ballantyne, MS, CTT, and editor of "When you perform fast-paced, intense exercises back-to-back with minimal rest, you get a metabolic boost that will last for hours after you're done," he says. "You'll also have energy that lasts all day long." So skip the snooze button this morning and start building a learner, stronger self before the rest of the world wakes up.

Here's how it works: Perform the following exercises in a row with as little rest as possible. Keep track of your reps and attempt to complete all 1,000 in 30 minutes or less. If you don't finish all 1,000 in half an hour, try to beat your rep count the next time you do the workout. If you do finish all 1,000, try to beat your time during the next workout. The goal is to do the workout as quickly as possible, but make sure you maintain proper form and rest when you need to.
Burpee - 5 sets of 10 reps (50 reps total)
Ground-Zero Jump - 4 sets of 25 reps (100 reps total)
Pushup - 10 sets of 10 reps  (100 reps total)
Bodyweight Squat - 6 sets of 25 reps (150 reps total)
Mountain Climber - 5 sets of 20 reps (100 reps total)
Alternating Lunge - 10 sets of 10 reps (100 reps total)