Saturday, May 28, 2016

5 Reasons Why Aerobics Must Be a Part of Your Daily Routine

Aerobics, quite simply put, are fast paced and high intensity physical activities meant to increase your heart rate for a few consecutive minutes. These may include cycling, running, swimming and rope jumping among many others. The basic purpose of aerobics is to build stamina which is essential for cardiovascular fitness.  The main focus is to work on the target heart rate you wish to achieve during exercise. Larger the difference between your current and target heart rate, the more effort you have to put in to build your stamina.
It is not necessary that you necessarily need to have some weight loss goals in mind to resort to aerobics. The wide ranging benefits that these activities have for the body as well as mind make them fit to be practiced by everyone for an overall well-being.
Described below are just some of the reasons why we think aerobics should be an essential part of your daily routine.
  1. Physically intensive activities like aerobics help in boosting and strengthening the immune system which affect your disease tolerance as well as resistance. When your immune system is stronger, you are less likely to be affected by cold and flu causing viruses. This general immunity from these common viruses goes a long way in maintaining your health standard.
  2. Aerobics also help in controlling chronic or long lasting problems specifically related to the heart. If you have long standing problems of high blood pressure and imbalances in blood sugar level, including aerobics in your routine for a few minutes daily will help keep them in control and reduce the risk of heart, stroke or other fatal problems.
  3. Contrary to popular belief, not all cholesterol is bad. There are two types of cholesterol; good cholesterol which is called the HDL and bad cholesterol called the LDL. Aerobics help in maintaining the minimum required levels of good cholesterol in your body. HDL, or High Density Lipoprotein, is essential in keeping your arteries clear of plaques.
  4. Aerobics, because of being physically intensive, increases the blood flow to all parts of the body, which is essential for your mental health. Endorphins, the body’s built-in pain killers, are released because of aerobic exercises which keep you relaxed and free of conditions like anxiety, depression and chronic sadness that many people experience. The human body is meant to stay active. When that doesn’t happen, it affects the body and mind in many ways; one of which are these conditions.
  5. The problems that start appearing as you age are held back if you do aerobics. The positive impact of aerobics on the body such as strengthening the immune system, mental health improvement, better heart condition and controlling chronic problems all add up to give you not just longer, but a healthy and enjoyable life. These factors become especially important as you age. Therefore, it is for the long term that you should be thinking about here. It is not just the immediate benefits you get, rather the long term well-being and happiness you achieve that should encourage you to include this highly effective set of activities in your life. 
Related Links:

Air Purifiers for Asthma.

"But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." ~Matthew 4:4~

Monday, May 23, 2016

Eating Healthy On the Go

Your healthy eating regimen is most likely to be disrupted when you are on the go, travelling or commuting. While at home, you may have all things necessary to ensure that your healthy eating routine is sustained, but it becomes considerably difficult when you travel for a while or have to leave your routine for some reason. The control of what to eat and when to eat is faced with certain conditions that are unavoidable on your part but it is quite understandable that your healthy eating cannot be given up to the externalities entirely. As such, there are a few reasonable ways that you can keep your eating as close to your standard of health as possible, while you are on the go.

Keep Track Of Calories

It is possible to keep track of the calories you intake with the help of certain calorie counting apps developed to assist you in closely watching what you eat. One such app is called MyFitness Pal which does a number of jobs from counting the calories of the food you take, to suggesting restaurant menus that suit your calorie requirements to nutrient intake and suggesting exercises to burn the calories you have eaten. It works on most of the widely used mobile phones and is a great way to keep your healthy eating routine on point while you travel. Simple features like entering the name of the food or entering the number of minutes you spent exercising can provide you valuable information regarding how much you should eat in terms of calories, over the next few hours and how much exercise you need to do respectively. Moreover, you can also get restaurant menus integrated and combined according to your calorie requirements so that you have a better idea of what foods to take together and where to find them.

Select the Right Menu Options

When you are eating out on the go, it is important to know that you will have little time to exercise like you do in your usual routine. As such, it is important to select menu options that give you just the right amount of energy in the form of nutrients while having an optimum level of calories that is not too high causing lethargy as a result. The catch is to have foods that are heavy in necessary nutrients while feel light at the same time to help you keep moving easily. This is especially important when you are out on work related tasks where you have little time to rest and get refreshed. Eating heavy food causes sluggishness, which you cannot afford in such cases. So you might be tempted to eat the most decadent of treats a restaurant has to offer, but we would suggest keeping it light to stay active and in pace.

The most important thing to remember while on the go is your basic healthy eating philosophy; keeping in mind the principles upon which you eat on a daily basis, and keep following them on the go as well, even if the kind of food you take is different. Shifting your focus from ‘what to eat’ more towards ‘how to eat’ what is available to you is important.

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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Managing Workout around Family and Children

Managing and maintaining your own workout routine is the easiest for the ones who live alone. But having families and children around you necessitates tweaking your routine considerably as life is interconnected with those around you. Commitments and responsibilities often require you to compromise but workout is the one thing that is absolutely essential. Therefore, it is important to think of ways you can maintain a sound workout routine; the one that does not get disrupted every now and then. The best way to do it is to integrate the people around you in your workout regime; making it possible for you to spend time with them as well as not compromising on your essential-for-health workout.
Some of the ways you can keep a sustainable workout routine have been explained below.

Get Inclusive

As briefly mentioned in the introduction, this is one of the most effective ways to maintain a consistent workout routine. Including the people in your surroundings, who demand your time and attention, in your workout routine can help you on two fronts. Firstly, you will be spending quality time with them doing a constructive activity centered at your health and well-being. Secondly, you will not be required to separately take out time for them from your routine, since they are already involved with you in one of your daily activities. So, the next time you are in a fix as to whether you should hit the gym or go home and spend time with the kids, the best way to solve it is to pick them up from home, hit the gym together and spend some good time working out together. This will also instill in your children a sense of how important spending time for your well-being is. Also, your weekends can be turned into unique workout getaways where you can take your whole family to an interesting activity that appeals to them and fulfills your workout requirements well, such as bike riding around the city or jogging in your neighborhood park.

Take Turns Watching the Kids

It’s only sensible that taking children with you to work-out every single time is not practical; after all, their exercise needs are not as rigorous as those of a grown-up. In situations such as these, you can take turns with your spouse in watching the kids as one of you goes out to exercise. According to practicalities of your daily routine, one of you can stay with the children while the other works out, and vice versa. This will not deprive the children of the parent’s presence as one of them will always be there, all the while enabling you to maintain your workout regimen.

Moreover, since health is a subject that involves food as well, you can also start to build up healthy eating menus for yourself and your family. For this, you can look around for parents who are in similar situations as you and take their word regarding how they maintain a sound routine, along with sustaining a healthy menu on a daily basis. This will ensure that there is a wholesome schedule that your family practices on a daily basis; the one that covers all aspects of living a healthy life, be it exercise, food or eating timings. 

Related Links:

Air Purifiers for Asthma.

"But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." ~Matthew 4:4~

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Intermittent Fasting Diet

Intermittent fasting includes certain types of diet plans structured such that there are alternate intervals of eating and fasting. More than the types of food you take during the eating interval, it is the time factor at which intermittent fasting diet plans are centered. Therefore, it is focused more on the “when”, rather than the “what” you eat. In recent times, intermittent fasting has gained popularity as a weight loss technique because it does not force the dieters to let go of their favorite foods, providing them a time frame as to when they should take them followed by intervals where they give the body enough time to digest the food and get refreshed.

Benefits and Effectiveness for Weight Loss

First off, intermittent fasting allows the body cells to perform important functions which cannot be effectively done otherwise. Certain cell repair processes and hormone adjustments are initiated because of which the utilization of stored body fat becomes easier.  Also, when our body gets ample time to rejuvenate itself in non-eating intervals, it boosts the immunity of body functions to fight against diseases.
Secondly, when the intake of food is done in a structured and disciplined manner rather than randomly eating at any time you feel like, the breakdown of body fat is catalyzed in order to get energy since no extra food is being provided to the body. Human body needs energy to function; when that energy is not being taken in the form of more food, then automatically the body fat starts getting utilized, resulting in weight loss.
Moreover, intermittent fasting improves the general health of your heart, balancing factors like heart rate, cholesterol and blood sugar level etc. Well being of the heart is directly related to the kind of food you take and more than that, how you take that food. Since intermittent fasting provides enough non-eating time, it reduces the pressure on the heart which improves its overall well being and functioning, while balancing out the risk factors.
The above described and numerous other health benefits of intermittent fasting when combined increase your life span by improving the quality of your life on a daily basis, as it positively affects important health markers.

Basic Practices

There is no single practice of intermittent fasting; it can be done in a variety of ways and in differing time intervals that suit you best.
One of the widely followed ones is the Leangains method where you fast for about 14 hours straight and then feed your body for the rest of the 10 hours. This time frame may vary up to two hours for men. This method is better for those whose main objective is fat loss and muscle build up.

Another one is called the Eat Stop Eat method where once or twice per week, you fast for 24 hours straight, while eat normally for the rest of the week. This method works best for people who want their body to rejuvenate and keep fresh by way of healthy eating. Also, another simple and easily followed method is the Alternate Day fasting which involves eating very scarcely one day, and then eating normally the other day. This is better for people who have consistency issues with diet plans, as every alternate day you get to eat normal.

Links that may interest you:

Intermittent Fasting: Everything You Need to Know About Intermittent Fasting for Beginner to Expert ? Build Lean Muscle and Change Your Life

Intermittent Fasting for Women: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Fast, Effective Weight Loss with Intermittent Fasting - Discover the Secrets to Rapid ... Intermittent Fasting for Women) (Volume 1)

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"But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." ~Matthew 4:4~

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

What is Yoga?

What is Yoga

Yoga is a meditative practice, meant to discipline and streamline the mind and body into harmony, resulting in internal peace. It originated in India and has countless types ranging from basic exercises to more complicated practices centered at breathing. It dates back to approximately the 5th and 6th century BC, the time when the Sramana and Ascetic movements were going. Some accounts also suggest that yoga is a Pre-Vedic period tradition as it has been mentioned in the book traditional Vedic and Sanskrit Hymns called the Rigveda. It is one of the few ancient practices that have sustained their popularity over the years and has become widely practiced throughout the world by people with all sorts of objectives in mind ranging from fitness to mindfulness to inner peace and relief from psychological issues such as anxiety and depression.

Health, Wellness and Fitness Benefits

Yoga is mostly practiced to harmonize the mind, soul and body to remove inconsistencies that prevent human beings from living a holistic and fulfilling life. It is this harmony in which all the health and wellness benefits of yoga are rooted.
Firstly, yoga increases the immunity of body cells. Practicing basic yoga on a daily basis helps the body stay safe from diseases as the body remains active. This happens as a result of the basic functions of breathing and movement getting better, resulting in long term internal benefits to the body. As your breath and movements are harmonized, it has a lasting impact on body cells, improving their strength and immunity.
Secondly, it relieves joint and muscle pains. Some specific yoga poses are meant to be practiced regularly if you experience pains in knee joints, neck, pelvic region and spinal cord etc. The specific movements of those body parts stimulate their smooth functioning thereby minimizing pains that result as consistent inactivity.
Moreover, yoga is known to relieve tension and anxiety, helping you to have a better state of mind, a relaxed temperament and the ability to focus better. The controlled breathing exercises of yoga are targeted at defeating issues stemming out of the mind hampering your ability to reach your full potential. A relaxed and contented mind is essential for general well-being, which can be achieved with yoga.

Basic Practice

Basic yoga practices that can be conveniently done at home include some of the breathing exercises, such as Pranayama and Kapal Bhati. The former is a beginner exercise which involves three-part breathing while the latter involves breathing alternately from each nostril. Furthermore, the basic meditative yoga includes sitting upright on the floor or any flat surface, with legs folded in each other and the palms resting open on the knees. With eyes closed, try and focus on one point and practice holding your concentration there. This is the very basic practice from which other advanced practices are derived. Meditative practices are also called “dhyaan” in the local language. Some exercises to improve physical fitness include flexibility exercises such as creating a large zero in the air with your legs without bending them, and lying on your stomach while lifting your upper half with legs straight and arms balanced on the surface without bending. Check out Amazon for Books on Yoga.

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