Monday, October 14, 2013

Are Your Abs Hiding From You?

Hey guys, many of us want to improve that midsection known as  our core, stomach, or abs. This can be challenging for many of us including myself. Hopefully after reading this blog you'll have gained some information that will assist you in achieving your goal of improving your abdominal muscles (abs).

We All Have Abs: 
First, I'd like to state that we all have abs. Some of us may have abdominal muscles that are more developed than others, but we all have them. In many cases these muscles are covered with a layer of fatty tissue which covers them and makes them invisible to the human eye. Moreover, it is possible to build the abdominal muscles in both strength and size and still not be able to see them due to the layer of fatty tissue covering them. Building the ab muscles in strength and size is only part of the process. The next part in the process is revealing what has been built through your exercise and hard work in the gym. 

Revealing Those Abs:
Revealing the abs is achieved through losing the layer of fatty tissue covering them! There is no such thing as targeting a specific area of the body for fat loss, i.e. losing fat in your stomach/abs only. Body fat is burned throughout your entire body at once. Some areas may lose fat at a faster rate than others but the body does not target one specific area at a time.

Test Your Abs:
A great way to test the status of your abs is to contract your abdominal muscles, then look and feel for the abs to reveal themselves from under any fatty tissue that is present. Remember, depending on the amount of fat on your belly and the current size of you ab muscles you may not see them and only be able to feel. Either way you have proven that they exist! 

Fitness & Eating:
Furthermore, your eating habits, cardio, and strength/conditioning routine are all key ingredients in revealing the midsection. There are a number of ways to approach your routine. Some may work better than others depending on each individual, as we all have different metabolisms and body types (see my blog on body types). So don't be discouraged if what's working for someone else doesn't work for you. This just means you have to move forward in finding the fitness routine and eating style that works for you.

Calories In vs. Calories Out:
Remember that the amount of calories that you eat daily must be less than what your body burns in order to lose body fat. Your training routine plays a major role in increasing the number of calories burned. This is why I recommend a high intensity cardio routine, because it keeps your heart rate up while burning calories at a faster rate (see my cardio blog for tips on high intensity cardio routines). Your eating habits also play a role in "Calories In vs. Calories Out!" When your body has no more calories to burn for energy it burns off your stored body fat for energy and as a result you will both lose weight, and reveal your (abdominal) muscles.

Get It Right:
In closing, revealing your abdominal muscles can be achieved by both decreasing the number of calories in your diet and increasing the number of calories burned through your fitness routine i.e. high intensity cardio routine. This way you’re approaching your fitness goal from two directions, both eating style and fitness routine. It is possible to have the best fitness routine and not reveal your abs because your eating style takes in more calories than you’re burning with your fitness routine. Including both diet and a high intensity cardio routine are key ingredients to revealing those abdominal muscles that are patiently waiting for you to show them off.

Test your abs by contracting and feeling. What did you find?

What is your current approach to revealing your core? 


  1. Thanks for the info.. Was super helpful! What ab exercises would you recommend for women, to flatten rather than get the actual 6-pack? How many times per week should you work abs? I've heard various theories.. Some say daily, some say every other day.. What do you think?


  2. Ok that's a great question. Decreasing your overall body fat through both training and eating style is a major component. Moderate training of the abs in the mid to high rep range (high range recommended) is a great place to start in achieving the "flatter" less muscular looking abdominals. By training with light to moderate (not heavy) weight you can avoid the muscular look. Being a female genetically this may be least of your worries. I suggest to start training in the light to moderate weight range and monitor how your body responds. Also training the abs with exercises/movements that incorporate the outer frame of the abs (obliques) is also key. I would suggest training the abs twice weekly keeping in mind that other compound exercises incorporate your abs as well, for example squats & dead lifts both require abdominal support. As far as exercises, hanging leg raises are one of my favorites because they target the lower (mid) abs and when done with a twist can train the obliques as well. There are weighted cable rotation exercises that are great for framing the upper obliques as well (demonstration videos of these would be more helpful so I'll work on that). I hope this was somewhat helpful! Please continue to view the blog!
