Monday, March 31, 2014

Pushing into Summer Workout Routine!

Hi team! Spring is here, summer is coming and many want to get those arms and chest in shape. I decided to blog about a great workout for both your chest, and arms that can be done in the comfort of your home. As we know working the chest is great for men, but it's also good for women too, by helping lift the breasts

Bigger pecs & lift the breasts: 
The chest is made of the upper and lower chest muscles. These muscles are underneath the fatty tissue of the breasts. By gaining muscle in this area it will give the breasts a natural lift! On the other hand, this routine will add to the thickness of a mans chest area with the added lean mass. This routine will also help shape and firm your shoulders and triceps which is great for both genders.

This is a circuit training (push-up) workout. Circuit training is a workout technique involving a series of exercises performed in rotation with minimal rest between each exercise, often using different pieces of equipment. In this case we need minimal equipment! 

1-2-3 Circuit:
This combination workout consists of 3 types of push-ups that are done in a circuit (one set). First, using a standard flat bench (or chair if at home), perform decline (feet elevated on bench or chair) push-ups until failure (until you can't do anymore).

 Second, immediately drop your feet to the floor and do standard push ups until failure.
Third, put your hands on the bench (or chair), feet on the floor, and do incline push-ups until failure as well.

All three steps are performed without resting in-between, this adds a great high intensity cardio component to this workout which will assist you in building a leaner physique as well as burn more calories! Allow your fitness level to determine how many times you perform the circuit. Remember if your just starting out to gradually build up over time., some one circuit is fine., and over time your number of circuits will increase with strength and endurance. Your should get a great pump, and burn in your chest and arms Now let's get it!! 

Question: How many push-ups can you do until failure? 

Question: Have you ever done incline & decline push-ups? If so what were your results? 

Question: Have you performed any type of circuit training before? If so what are your thoughts? 


  1. Great post. I can only do 3 sets of regular push ups and that's going on 3 months now. I do them 3 times a week. But my favorite are the crow push ups ( knees to armpit for those who don't know what I'm talking abou). It gives me a great stretch on the thighs and gluts.

    1. Yes crow push-ups are great that glut stretch is amazing. 3 sets of push-ups is ideal so from this point focused on building the number or reps each set. This makes it specific to your individual level of strength and endurance. Write down your number of reps to keep track and you will see progress over time. Let let know how it goes. Ask more questions as needed as I am here for you! Teamwork!

  2. Another great post. Being a person who really doesn't do much besides Cardio, I felt like this info was good because it could be applied to any skill level. It's really encouraging how you say to repeat reps until failure because then us beginners don't have to try to reach for some magical, unrealistic number when first starting out.

  3. Hey you make a great point! This is what I enjoy about it as well. It can be tailored to your individual level and build upon from there. Our bodies are different and respond to exercise differently. So find your level and work from there. Yes this is a great strength and conditioning component to add to your cardio. It's also high intensity which will burn those calories as well. In addition, it will allow you to shape that body. Thanks again, please continue to leave your input! :-)

  4. Thank you. I follow your account on instagram and shall bookmark and read your blog.
    Your motivation is appreciated!
