Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What foods NOT TO EAT when losing weight

The foods you must STOP EATING RIGHT NOW when trying to lose weight are…

Hi team, now we all can get wrapped up in knowing what foods to eat when trying to lose weight. But knowing what foods NOT to eat is just as important. Furthermore, imagine if you consumed all the proper foods necessary to maintain a healthy life style. If you are consuming just as many unhealthy (calorie dense) foods than your efforts are to no avail. Just think, one donut can contain up to 300 calories, and one candy bar can contain up to 260 calories. Both these foods consumed can quickly account for 560 calories which can could have been an entire meal. Now are you seeing where I'm going with this? It is extremely important that we not only consider what foods to eat to lose weight, but also what foods not to eat in order to lose weight. Our goal is to become properly educated on the means of achieving our weight-loss and fitness goals, then executing an effective plan to get there. So here are some foods to stop eating when trying to lose weight:
  • You need to stop drinking regular & diet sodas. Quick fact: If you replaced a 20oz bottle of soda with water daily… You would easily lose up to 35 pounds in one year so if you're addicted to soda - go here to see how to stop drinking soda so
  • Drink more water, Drink more sugar-free vegetable juices (like V8), Drink more Green Tea and…
  • Cut down on or try to stop drinking alcohol. Quick fact: Alcohol is basically the refined juice of natural foods which makes it a drink of pure concentrated sugar that will make you gain fat easily and…
  • AVOID the grocery store snack aisle - Stop eating potato chips, popcorn, cookies, candy, ice cream, cakes, etc. The ingredients in these foods make you want to eat more and the companies who make these snack foods know you'll stay addicted to them (even after you gained lots of weight eating their snacks) &…
  • These companies don't care if you gain weight because of their snack products as long as they make their money off YOU and if you're addicted to snacks - Read more about ways to curb your cravings for snacks, salt & sugar.
  • You need to make a strong effort to cut down on your salt & sugar intake because too much salt & sugar causes you to gain water weight making you look fatter than you already are and
  • Avoid processed foods as much as possible because the processing of these foods removes all the stuff that helps you lose weight and replaces it with stuff like sugar, corn syrup and hydrogenated oils to make you fatter so…
  • Read food labels and avoid anything that has sugar as it's main source of carbs or has corn syrup & hydrogenated oils as ingredients and…
  • Don't be fooled by the term "Multigrain" since it's just a fancy word for processed carbs and choose "Whole Grain" products only. Also check out my blog Body Mass index & Weight Loss

Here's a bigger list of Foods NOT to eat when trying to lose weight…
  1. Fried foods
  2. Fast Foods
  3. Table sugar
  4. Plain Jam
  5. Salted or Smoked nuts
  6. Chocolate Fudge
  7. Candy
  8. Toffee
  9. Gums
  10. Mint Sweets
  11. Liquorice
  12. Sweet Pickles
  13. Puddings
  14. Corn syrup
  15. Cake
  16. Breads & Pastas made with white flour
  17. Soda pop, such as Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc.
  18. All baked goods made with white flour
  19. Canned fruits w/added sugar
  20. Alcohol can slow your metabolism down by 73%
  21. Potato chips
  22. Buttered or Flavored Popcorn
  23. Cookies
  24. Ice cream
  25. Cakes
  26. Pies
  27. All deserts (even the Sahara)
  28. Did I mention Desserts?
  29. Artificial sweeteners like Nutrasweet, Equal, Sweet N Low, Sweet Twin, Sugar Twin, Splenda, Sunett & Sweet One
  30. Most bottled green teas have more ingredients in it to help you gain weight than the actual green tea itself to help you lose weight.
What are some foods your having a tough time removing from your diet? What are some effective substitute foods that you have successfully used in transitioning your eating lifestyle? Please comment on the blog page. 

Original content: http://www.nowloss.com/foods-not-to-eat-when-trying-to-lose-weight-dieting.htm

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