Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Should I Do Cardio First or Weight Training First?

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, you will definitely find yourself asking this at some point: should I do cardio first or Weight Training first? In this post, we’ll be taking a deeper look at this matter.
Well, it all boils down to the science of the manner in which your body utilizes energy. When you are exercising, your body is first using anaerobic energy. This type of energy is a sudden burst of energy which doesn’t require added oxygen beyond whatever you’re taking in already. Afterwards, once you get moving, the body moves forward to aerobic energy, and this type of energy requires more oxygen as compared to whatever you are already inhaling.

If you can’t seem to wrap your head around the above, then simply remember is that the key is using the sudden burst of energy most effectively. This is why for most, strength training may seem like a suitable first option. As compared to cardio, strength training usually requires sudden bursts of energy. While cardio is usually steadier and longer, not requiring the quick bursts, strength training is the more explosive and fine-tuned movement. In this regard, if you perform strength training first, you will make better use of the original sudden burst of energy.

With that being said, the more important goal is doing both cardio and strength. So if you find yourself not motivated enough to do strength first, you shouldn’t limit yourself by following the above mentioned advice – what’s more important is that you do whatever you need to do.

What’s more, it rather depends on your individual goals. If the primary goal is to increase aerobic endurance or lose weight, then you should perform cardiovascular exercise first. If the primary goal is to increase
muscular strength, then you should perform strength training first. Basically, in order to get the most out of the workout, you should perform the most important type of exercise when you are not fatigued. Because many individuals want to lose weight and increase muscular strength, alternating the order of the workout during different cycles of training is one way to satisfy both goals.
Of course, each individual has a different idea for what they wish to get out of their fitness regime, so you should tailor yours to your own goals. 

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