Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Benefits of Fish Oil Supplements for Muscle Growth

In numerous studies, fish oil (also renowned as the “good fat”) has been found to contain all sorts of health benefits. This is mostly due to the fact that fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids, which are known for lowering the risks of heart diseases that are usually caused due to the hardening of arteries. Apart from fish oil’s benefits for reducing the risks of heart diseases, most people aren’t aware of what a good dosage of fish oil can do for muscle development. Fish oil has also shown to prevent the degeneration of muscle.

Common Fish Oil Sources

·         Healthy food and diet sources: If fish, high in terms of fatty acids, are consumed at least twice every week by an average adult who also has a healthy lifestyle, a range of benefits of omega 3 fatty acids can be enjoyed.
·         Fish oil supplements: If consuming fish on a weekly basis isn’t possible or in case an individual requires a considerably higher dose, then there are omega 3 supplements which can be used. Of course, before taking such supplements, it is recommended that you get in touch with a doctor in order to prevent side effects.

Bodybuilding and Fish Oil Supplements

According to Dr. Mauro Di Pasquala, the nutrition and sports medicine expert, there’s a strong connection between muscle health development and fish oil, and this is the main reason as to why fish oil supplements are mainly beneficial for weightlifters and bodybuilders. As a matter of fact, the essential fatty acids (which can be found in a concentrated amount in omega 3 supplements) might inhibit or slow down the breakdown of muscle proteins. This results in highly developed muscle.

Studies That Prove Fish Oil’s Benefits

A test which was published in the Clinical Nutrition Journal by the South Australia University tells us that omega 3 fatty acids can also assist in fat loss. An average of nearly 4 pounds or 1.2 percent can be burnt off of your body fat percentage. This is particularly beneficial for those who work hard in order to improve muscle tone.
Another research study has proven that since omega 3s assist in improving muscle development. Most bodybuilders who take supplements that have essential fatty acids tend to have a less amount of joint tenderness or body inflammation. In fact, this is true even with increased workout intensity. What’s more, those who take fish oil supplements can perform training routines more frequently as compared to the ones who aren’t taking any supplements that include omega 3 fatty acids.

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