Thursday, April 7, 2016

How to Avoid Injuries at the Gym

Needless to say, almost every athlete is at constant risk of getting an injury. This is mostly because these individuals push their bodies to the limit every now and then, and unless they bring things along in the correct manner and at the right pace, injuries are inevitable.
Bodybuilders are at a similar risk of developing injuries, in the form of strains, muscle tears, sprains, tendinitis, or even hernias or bursitis.

Don’t Show Off

The point is, with proper care and common sense, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to enjoy a successful career in bodybuilding while being free of any injuries. The primary cause of injuries to bodybuilders is definitely carelessness, specifically when they are performing near-limit lifts. The “show off” aspect plays a huge role in sudden injuries.

Avoiding Curls Early On in Your Workout

You shouldn’t ever be tempted to lift heavy dumbbells to pull them overhead. This may lead to a pinched nerve, and that can cause pain for several years. It is universally agreed upon by all fitness experts that you should never begin the workout with barbell curls. Of course, the exercise is good, but you should refrain from starting your workout with it because it locks the elbow joint, which leaves your biceps vulnerable to injury.

Warming Up Properly/Stretching

Warming up is an important aspect of all training programs, so you shouldn’t neglect it. Before you perform any exercise, you need to carry out at least a single set of 10 to 15 reps with nearly 50 percent of the limit. If you aren’t a fan of doing a high repetitions warm up, then you can do 2 or 3 sets of lower repetition warm ups. But only use nearly 50% of your maximum.
Another safeguard against injuries is practicing some sort of stretching before starting your workout. In order to get a complete stretch, the muscles need to be warm. As such, you should wear a sweat suit in cold temperatures.

Taking Care in Key Exercises

You need to take particular care if you’re doing a few key exercises. For example, in the squat, you should keep your back flat at all times, while also keeping your head up. You should refrain from bouncing out a squat. Apart from squats, the deadlift also needs to be carried out with a flat back and head up.

Similarly, when you are performing the bent over rowing, you need to keep the knees bent and back flat. Always remember that this is a risky exercise, since your lower back is significantly susceptible to strain while heavy weights are being used. As such, try doing one arm dumbbell rows instead, in which your other arm is able to support the torso on a bench.

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