Sunday, February 28, 2016

Shy Away from Sugar

Medical herbalist Dominique Finney says sugar is first pressed as a juice from the cane and refined into molasses. It is then refined into brown sugar and finally into strange white crystals that are an alien chemical to the human system. “Refined sugar is too processed for our body to handle, at least not in anywhere near the quantities that we now ingest due to today’s lifestyle.”
The average person now downs around 50 kilos of sugar per year. It is considered a ‘food’ and ingested in massive quantities. We only need one teaspoon of sugar a day for metabolic functions, but many of us end up eating up to 20, thanks to hidden sources like snack bars, salad dressings and even bread.
Finney says sugar is not addictive; it is the fast fuel hit that makes it so appealing. “Sugar is metabolised quickly so you feel an almost immediate surge in energy. Like any drug, be it alcohol or even Panadol, it has an instant effect. The problem is when the hit wears off, you dip down to the doldrums again and are left wanting more.”
She says a healthier option would be to eat a bowl of complex carbohydrates like brown rice, or whole meal bread which release energy slowly over a longer period of time. “Sugar is not filling in the same way that more complex carbohydrates are filling, so therefore we can unconsciously consume a lot of it without noticing,” Finney says.
Sports dietitian and nutrition consultant Alison Miles, says humans need sugar as much as they need nicotine and tobacco. “Refined sugar has no nutritional value and has been linked to mental disorders, dental cavities, not to mention hypoglycaemia and enlargement of the lower kidneys.”
One of the major drawbacks of sugar is that it raises insulin levels, which inhibits the release of growth hormones, and in turn weakens the immune system. This is not something you want to take place if you are keen to avoid diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
Finney says sugar increases over-growth of the Candida yeast organism that causes thrush. “It can also trigger binge eating in those with bulimia as well as increasing PMS symptoms.”
Miles says if that wasn’t enough, sugar can make it difficult to lose weight because of constantly high insulin levels, which cause the body to store excess carbohydrates as fat. “The white granules are nothing more than empty calories, which create excess energy and lead to weight gain.”
Not only is refined sugar a dangerous foe, Finney says it’s a sneaky one, hiding in an extraordinary range of foods, including yoghurt, canned items, most sweets – even tomato sauce. “There is nothing wrong with a small amount of sugar in your diet, but that can be hard to measure these days with so many processed foods.”
Dodgy deals
High fructose corn syrup is another baddy that finds its way into tons of foods, because of how cheap it is to produce. Manufacturers love its versatility and put it in nearly everything: juice, beer, energy bars, cookies and even frozen goods.
Like refined sugar, it has a negative, dramatic effect on our blood-sugar levels. According to studies conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, diabetes and obesity are directly linked to eating refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup.
Switching refined sugar for artificial sweeteners can be even more detrimental to our health. Research shows that saccharin can be a possible contributing cause to cancer and its mate aspartame (found in NutraSweet and Equal) has been shown to turn into formaldehyde in your body.
Splenda may lack calories, but it’s no good either, containing small amounts of heavy metals, methanol and arsenic. It is difficult to know the long-term effects of these sweeteners, but given that they are surrounded by suspicion it’s best to turn to the healthy choices.
Natural Sweeteners
Lets be realistic, if you like sweet treats, it can be a real struggle to eliminate sugar from your diet. But rest assured, there are natural, healthier alternatives that don’t carry any of the dangers of refined sugar and are full of health benefits.
Given that Stevia is 200 times sweeter than sugar it’s no surprise that it is referred to as the Queen of herbal sweeteners. The Japanese have been using it for decades, South Americans for centuries. In fact, this wonder-sweetener is used by hundreds of millions of people around the world to lower high blood pressure, reduce cravings for sweets, and aid digestion.
With no kilojoules and zero GI, Stevia stimulates the pancreas rather than stressing it. Stevia has only a mild effect on blood sugar levels, making it ideal for diabetics. Scientific studies have also found that it can reduce acne help heal wounds, and soothe an upset stomach.
This natural sweetener is found in fruit and vegetables, providing just two calories per teaspoon. While sugar is acid-forming, Xylitol is alkalising, helping to prevent dental plaque build-up and tooth decay. It also promotes bone health and boosts immunity. Its low GI means it doesn’t cause blood sugar dips or yeast overgrowth like refined sugar can.
Raw honey
Honey is an all-round healing elixir, which can promote general health and wellbeing. A daily dose will boost the body’s supply of antioxidants, essential for protecting the body from free radicals. It is also rich in vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, iron and manganese.
Honey is one of Finney’s personal favourites. “I love mixing honey with organic black tea, a little chilli powder and a slice of vanilla pod. I call it honey vanilla chilli tea and it’s delicious.” At traditional Indian weddings, the groom is often offered honey to boost his stamina – perhaps this is why Cupid’s emblem was a bee!
Agave nectar
Derived from the Mexican Agave Cactus, this high-nutrient sweetener is full of vitamins and minerals. Because it absorbs slowly into the bloodstream, it doesn’t have a big impact on blood-sugar levels. Agave Nectar provides 20 calories per teaspoon and is significantly sweeter than refined sugar, so you use less. It has a low GI and can be used in place of sugar in any recipe.
Other good substitutes for refined sugar include maple syrup, evaporated cane juice, Sucanat, brown rice syrup, barley malt syrup, raw sugar, beet sugar, date sugar and molasses. All of these natural sweeteners possess one or more of the following health benefits: Enzymes, calcium, iron, potassium, protein, the B- vitamins, magnesium, chromium, fibre, and folic acid.
Now just because you have healthier alternative, that doesn’t mean you can eat naturally sweetened biscuits three meals a day, but it does mean you can have your cake and eat it. Miles says the trick is moderation. “I encourage my clients to indulge in sweet foods occasionally, rather than treating them as everyday foods.”
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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Fitbit Flex Review: Having a Detailed Look at the Activity Tracker

In this post, we’ll be taking a detailed look at the Fitbit Flex!
The Fitbit Flex weighs only 16 grams and is among the most comfortable fitness trackers. The small band can be worn on your wrist, is both smart and tough, specifically when you want to track your daily fitness levels with it. Your goals for each day are displayed prominently in the app whereas indicator lights on this device activate with a single tap, telling you how much longer you need to go.

Tracking Accuracy

The Fitbit Flex is among the most accurate tracking devices. It can accurately track your steps, calories burned, distance traveled, sleep, and active minutes. The app can display graphs and charts, so you are able to analyze your progress and work at it on a consistent, daily basis. Due to its accuracy, the Fitbit Flex is among the best activity tracking devices to monitor your fitness and health.

Progress Monitoring

Staying up to date with the progress you are making towards your goals is the most exceptional manner to meet them. This is where the Fitbit Flex comes in as it keeps you accountable. While it does lack an altimeter for tracking the number of stairs climbed, it does let you make goals for and track everything else.

Apps & Connectivity

The Fitbit app is plain and simple, yet very effective. It records the correct amount for all the necessary information. The main screen displays you each of your daily totals, the progress you’ve made toward your goal, and an account of minute by minute results of your whole day.

Battery & Design

It is currently the lightest tracker available in the market as it only weighs 16 grams. It’s comfortable, slim, and available in two sizes: large and small. As such, it is suitable for all wrist sizes. It also comes in ten different interchangeable colors. Its 5-day battery life is among the shortest of all the fitness trackers.

Help & Support

The fitness tracker comes with a 1 year warranty, and as such, you don’t need to worry about any defects straight out of the box. In case you do have questions or problems with your device, phone and email support is available from Fitbit. For those who are seeking immediate customer support, there’s also a live chat feature available on the company’s official website.


The Fitbit Flex is undoubtedly one of the top fitness trackers currently available since each of its features is geared towards motivating users to meet their fitness goals. It’s lightweight, it’s available in ten different colors, and its associated app is considerably helpful in allowing you to reach your daily health goals.

Free shipping with orders over $50 at

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

8 Benefits of Low Carbohydrate Diets

Low carbohydrate diets have been the center of controversy for decades now. Mainly because people thought they would cause heart disease and raise cholesterol due to the high fat content. However, since 2002, more than 20 human studies have been carried out on low carbohydrate diets. And in almost each of these studies, low carbohydrate dieting came out ahead of all other sorts of dieting in comparison.
For starters, not only do low carbohydrate diets lead to more weight loss, they also provide considerable improvements in several risk factors, such as cholesterol.
The following are 8 proven benefits of low carbohydrate diets.

1.     Low carbohydrate diet kills your appetite (for the right reasons)

When a person cuts carbohydrates, their appetite goes down and resultantly, they end up consuming fewer calories without even trying.

2.     Low carbohydrate diet leads to more weight loss

Cutting back on carbohydrates is among the simplest and most efficient ways to experience weight loss. Almost without any exception, low carbohydrate diet leads to more weight loss as compared to other diets, specifically in the initial 6 months.

3.     Most of the fat that is lost comes from the abdominal region

A large amount of fat that is lost during low carb dieting usually comes from the dangerous fat in your abdominal cavity, which is also known for causing serious metabolic issues.

4.     Levels of HDL (the good cholesterol) are increased.

Low carbohydrate diets are usually high in terms of fat, which causes a significant increase in the blood levels of HDL, which is mostly termed the “good” cholesterol.

5.     Reduced insulin and blood sugar levels, with a considerable improvement in Type II Diabetes

The most effective manner of lowering insulin and blood sugar levels is reducing carb consumption. This is also the best way to treat (or even possibly reverse) type 2 diabetes.

6.     Blood pressure also usually goes down

According to studies, cutting back on carbohydrates leads to a considerable reduction in one’s blood pressure, which can possibly create reduced risks of several common diseases.

7.     Low carbohydrate diet is the most effective metabolic syndrome treatment

Low carbohydrate dieting effectively reverses all the five main symptoms of a serious condition, i.e. the metabolic syndrome. This syndrome is known for predisposing people to type II diabetes and heart disease.

8.     Low carbohydrate diet is therapeutic for many brain disorders

It’s mostly cited that glucose is important for the brain. This is indeed true. A few parts of the brain are only capable of burning glucose. This is why the liver creates glucose from protein in case we aren’t eating any carbohydrates. However, a large portion of your brain is also capable of burning ketones, which are created when carb intake is quite low or during starvation. Click here to learn more about low carb diets on Amazon.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

How These 3 Bad Habits Can Lead to Poor Workouts

As human beings, we were born to move. We don’t seem to do a lot of that nowadays thanks to the nature of our push-button world. Most of us lead busy, desk-bound, sedentary lifestyles, however, moderate physical movement and activity on a regular basis is important for maintaining good health, managing diabetes Type II, and reducing the risk of heart diseases.
Perhaps you’ve been carrying out strength training exercises for increasing your metabolism, toning or building your muscles, or strengthening your bones. You’ve been hitting it hard at the gym and as such have begun seeing optimal results. Yet, the results still seem to elude you. What is it that’s preventing you from reaching your actual goals?
In most cases, it can be as simple as some bad habits. In this post, we’ll be taking a look at three bad habits that may be ruining your training program and how you can overcome them.

1.     Never Warming Up

Quick Fix: Arrive Five Minutes Early
You might believe that you’re saving time, but if you are neglecting the warm-up, you are definitely sacrificing results. In case you aren’t properly warmed up, your blood doesn’t flow as it is supposed to, due to which you are likely to struggle to generate more power.
As a result, you end up experiencing a poor performance in your workout and wonder what you did wrong. The simplest solution is to arrive 5 minutes earlier every time and get properly warmed up.

2.     Lifting With Your Ego

Quick Fix: Focus On Form
Most of the people who are working out at the gym tend to let their ego get the best of them. In case you feel you are losing proper form but still want to add weight to the training, this is one habit that you should change.
Always keep in mind that you’ll never see proper results from carrying out an exercise with bad form as you would with a proper form regardless of the amount you are lifting. So leave your ego behind and drop the excess weight. You should add more weight only if you’ve mastered form in that particular exercise and weight.

3.     Going Through the Movements

Quick Fix: Focus On Your Breathing
Lastly, don’t just simply let yourself go through the movements while you are working out. You need to feel every exercise as you perform it. Feeling every activity means feeling the muscular contractions that are taking place.
Focusing on your breathing pattern will help in this regard. It will assist you in tuning out distractions and absolutely zero in on the exercise you are performing.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

All You Need to Know About Ketogenic Diet


What Is the Ketogenic Diet?

Ketogenic diet is the name given to a group of “moderate protein, high fat” or “moderate fat, high protein” but extremely low carb diets. Ketogenic is a term that simply refers to an increased production of ketone bodies which are occasioned by the augmented rate of fat break down (lipolysis). Ketones are acidic by-products which are formulated during the breakdown of fat into fatty acids through the liver.

How Can It Benefit You With Weight Loss?

Ketogenic diets are created in such a manner that initially they force your body to exhaust its supply of glucose and then finally turn to burning its fat deposits to get energy. Resultant food intakes upon inducing a state of ketosis are meant for keeping the process of ketosis running by adjusting further carb consumption in an appropriate manner to offer only the basic number of calories required by the body.
Resultantly, the concept of reducing carb consumption doesn’t only reduce the production of insulin, but it also forces the body to practically burn its fat deposits for energy, subsequently making the ketogenic diet quite a powerful method of achieving rapid weight loss.

Key Factors You Should Know as a Beginner

The simple truth is that you will have to educate yourself, weigh all the arguments, and then follow your own best judgment. While most of the people may have had positive experiences, you must have undoubtedly heard of people having problems with low carb diets for one reason or another. Needless to say, there isn’t anything such as a miracle diet as most of them are basically variations of the same theme. However, all ketogenic related diets are based on a certain principle, which has been demonstrated to induce loss of weight in several individuals. Perhaps you should attempt to base your own opinion on the evidence that is available, instead of anecdotes. It’s your body and health that matters.

Examples of Ketogenic Meals

The following are a few examples of ketogenic meals that we have for you. You can find other useful ketogenic meals on this website.


·         1 oz of chopped onion
·         1 oz of low carb vegetables, fried in olive oil or butter
·         4 oz of ground beef, mixed with spices
·         unsweetened spiced tea with heavy cream


·         1 cup of cauliflower, chopped and sautéed in olive oil or better
·         1 cup salad greens dressed with 1 tbsp of full fat dressing, sprinkled with blue cheese
·         4 oz of baked halibut along with dill butter sauce
·         unsweetened flavored sparkling water or any other unsweetened beverage, or simply water


·         2 cups of shredded cabbage sautéed in butter along with caraway
·         6 oz of pork chop baked in garlic cream
·         coffee with heavy cream
·         salad greens along with high fat, low carb dressing
·         unsweetened flavored sparkling water or any other unsweetened beverage, or simply water

For a more detailed guide on ketogenic cooking, click here for some of the best books on Ketogenic cooking, available on Amazon.