Thursday, February 4, 2016

All You Need to Know About Ketogenic Diet


What Is the Ketogenic Diet?

Ketogenic diet is the name given to a group of “moderate protein, high fat” or “moderate fat, high protein” but extremely low carb diets. Ketogenic is a term that simply refers to an increased production of ketone bodies which are occasioned by the augmented rate of fat break down (lipolysis). Ketones are acidic by-products which are formulated during the breakdown of fat into fatty acids through the liver.

How Can It Benefit You With Weight Loss?

Ketogenic diets are created in such a manner that initially they force your body to exhaust its supply of glucose and then finally turn to burning its fat deposits to get energy. Resultant food intakes upon inducing a state of ketosis are meant for keeping the process of ketosis running by adjusting further carb consumption in an appropriate manner to offer only the basic number of calories required by the body.
Resultantly, the concept of reducing carb consumption doesn’t only reduce the production of insulin, but it also forces the body to practically burn its fat deposits for energy, subsequently making the ketogenic diet quite a powerful method of achieving rapid weight loss.

Key Factors You Should Know as a Beginner

The simple truth is that you will have to educate yourself, weigh all the arguments, and then follow your own best judgment. While most of the people may have had positive experiences, you must have undoubtedly heard of people having problems with low carb diets for one reason or another. Needless to say, there isn’t anything such as a miracle diet as most of them are basically variations of the same theme. However, all ketogenic related diets are based on a certain principle, which has been demonstrated to induce loss of weight in several individuals. Perhaps you should attempt to base your own opinion on the evidence that is available, instead of anecdotes. It’s your body and health that matters.

Examples of Ketogenic Meals

The following are a few examples of ketogenic meals that we have for you. You can find other useful ketogenic meals on this website.


·         1 oz of chopped onion
·         1 oz of low carb vegetables, fried in olive oil or butter
·         4 oz of ground beef, mixed with spices
·         unsweetened spiced tea with heavy cream


·         1 cup of cauliflower, chopped and sautéed in olive oil or better
·         1 cup salad greens dressed with 1 tbsp of full fat dressing, sprinkled with blue cheese
·         4 oz of baked halibut along with dill butter sauce
·         unsweetened flavored sparkling water or any other unsweetened beverage, or simply water


·         2 cups of shredded cabbage sautéed in butter along with caraway
·         6 oz of pork chop baked in garlic cream
·         coffee with heavy cream
·         salad greens along with high fat, low carb dressing
·         unsweetened flavored sparkling water or any other unsweetened beverage, or simply water

For a more detailed guide on ketogenic cooking, click here for some of the best books on Ketogenic cooking, available on Amazon.

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