Friday, April 29, 2016

The Dangers of Steroid Use in Fitness Training

There are all sorts of dangers related to using steroids in fitness training. Those who are involved in bodybuilding or fitness training need to be educated precisely about steroids so they can be aware of the dangers that they tend to bring.
Steroids are mostly seen as the fast track to more strength and muscle mass. Of course, anabolic steroids help in building muscles quickly. However, they have all sorts of risks associated with them which outweigh all their benefits.

Steroids are Never a Smart Choice

Some of the people want to try shortcuts so they can reach the optimum physical condition and fitness. Needless to say, when you aren’t seeing results, steroids are definitely a tempting choice. Before you start using steroids for muscle building; however, you should consider their long term dangers and effects.
Anabolic steroids consist of synthetic testosterone. Ingesting or injecting anabolic steroids leads to rapidly increase in overall stamina, strength, and muscle mass. It definitely seems enticing, but there are several reasons as to why you shouldn’t put such artificial hormones inside your body.
Non-prescribed usage of anabolic steroids in the US is illegal. Due to this, you can face criminal prosecution. Plus, there’s also a possibility that the source of all purchased drugs might be unknown, and you might end up purchasing some veterinary use steroids.

The Addictive Aspect of Steroids

Steroids can provide behavioral and psychological problems. First of all, steroids can be addictive. A psychological dependence can arise from the benefits that users get as the feel more energetic and stronger. Even those who plan on using steroids on a short term basis tend to develop dependency since they can’t maintain the muscle growth and strength after they stop using them. During the stages of withdrawal, a drop in hormonal levels tends to result in a depression. Apart from that, use of steroid also results in a change in temperament as well as increased irritability, which often leads to increased aggression.
The worst aspect of steroids is the things that they can do to the body. Steroids tend to increase the function of liver which might eventually cause damage and liver failure. Bad cholesterol and blood pressure also rise through steroid use, which can lead to cardiac issues. The boosts in testosterone can eventually end up inhibiting the production of natural testosterone, which results in hormonal imbalances. What’s more, such problems can go on even after you stop using steroids. External changes can also be noticed, such as testicular shrinkage, oily skin, and thinning hair.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Benefits of Fish Oil Supplements for Muscle Growth

In numerous studies, fish oil (also renowned as the “good fat”) has been found to contain all sorts of health benefits. This is mostly due to the fact that fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids, which are known for lowering the risks of heart diseases that are usually caused due to the hardening of arteries. Apart from fish oil’s benefits for reducing the risks of heart diseases, most people aren’t aware of what a good dosage of fish oil can do for muscle development. Fish oil has also shown to prevent the degeneration of muscle.

Common Fish Oil Sources

·         Healthy food and diet sources: If fish, high in terms of fatty acids, are consumed at least twice every week by an average adult who also has a healthy lifestyle, a range of benefits of omega 3 fatty acids can be enjoyed.
·         Fish oil supplements: If consuming fish on a weekly basis isn’t possible or in case an individual requires a considerably higher dose, then there are omega 3 supplements which can be used. Of course, before taking such supplements, it is recommended that you get in touch with a doctor in order to prevent side effects.

Bodybuilding and Fish Oil Supplements

According to Dr. Mauro Di Pasquala, the nutrition and sports medicine expert, there’s a strong connection between muscle health development and fish oil, and this is the main reason as to why fish oil supplements are mainly beneficial for weightlifters and bodybuilders. As a matter of fact, the essential fatty acids (which can be found in a concentrated amount in omega 3 supplements) might inhibit or slow down the breakdown of muscle proteins. This results in highly developed muscle.

Studies That Prove Fish Oil’s Benefits

A test which was published in the Clinical Nutrition Journal by the South Australia University tells us that omega 3 fatty acids can also assist in fat loss. An average of nearly 4 pounds or 1.2 percent can be burnt off of your body fat percentage. This is particularly beneficial for those who work hard in order to improve muscle tone.
Another research study has proven that since omega 3s assist in improving muscle development. Most bodybuilders who take supplements that have essential fatty acids tend to have a less amount of joint tenderness or body inflammation. In fact, this is true even with increased workout intensity. What’s more, those who take fish oil supplements can perform training routines more frequently as compared to the ones who aren’t taking any supplements that include omega 3 fatty acids.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Quest Bar REVIEW: Every Quest Bar Ever Made)

Guest Blog Feature By: Junk Male
Excluding Oreos, candy, cupcakes, beer, Twinkies, potato chips, and ice cream, I’m pretty healthy! Don’t let this blog fool you –  I spend a great deal of time and energy in the gym. I regularly stock protein bars at home and at work to ensure I have quick access to protein on lifting days. I also have an overflowing closet of junk food that I review so that people will like me on Instagram (@JunkBanter).
I’ve received several requests for Quest Bars. If you’ve never heard of them, Quest Nutrition markets these bars as “cheat meals without the cheating.” They boast that their use of cutting-edge ingredients with clean nutritional profiles will make you feel like you’re eating something unhealthy. Well, who better to judge whether or not something tastes unhealthy than the people responsible for this? On that note, let’s eat every single damn Quest Bar ever created.
In lieu of a standard review of every Quest Bar, I’m going to rank all 19 Quest varieties from my most favorite to least.
Note: All bars reviewed below feature Quest’s new recipe that uses soluble corn fiber instead of the former isomalto-oligosaccharides (IMOs) as the prebiotic fiber source. Quest Nutrition maintains that the change, among other purported benefits, keep the Quest Bars at peak freshness longer. This change has been met with mixed, more-often-negative reviews from consumers in my wildly nonscientific research. You can read more about the change on Quest’s blog.
1) Mint Chocolate Chunk: These Quest Bars use peppermint oil to add a minty, cooling sensation to every chocolatey bite. Even though they contain radioactive green chunks that look like leprechaun shit, these remind me of Thin Mints or York Peppermint Patties. They also contain chocolate cookie chunks because America is the greatest nation in the world.
2) Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: These bars contain real chocolate bits instead of cocoa butter or cocoa powder that other bars use. They’re plenty sweet, kind of buttery, and just a little salty like a chocolate chip cookie. They have a dense yet chewy texture that remind me of eating raw cookie dough straight out of the refrigerator. Not that I’ve ever done that. (Editor’s Note: I’m quite famous for doing that).
3) White Chocolate Raspberry: By far the sexiest Quest bar, the dried raspberries add a tart sweetness and unique chewy texture that make these bars one of the more indulgent flavors. These remind me of eating fresh berries with whipped cream. I recommend eating everything with whipped cream.
4) S’Mores: One of the newest offerings, S’mores is also one of the most unique. The base does taste a good deal like graham, perhaps drawing from the cinnamon used in this recipe. It also contains chunks of unsweetened chocolate and cocoa butter to infuse plenty of chocolatey goodness and added texture. I don’t really get any marshmallow flavoring, but I’m ok with this because of my well-documented disdain for marshmallows. If marshmallows are your thing, just broil these and slather on your own marshmallow fluff because who gives a shit?
5) Double Chocolate Chunk: Look, are you really surprised everything with chocolate is dominating these rankings? This bar has cocoa, cocoa butter, and unsweetened chocolate. The Quest chocolate trifecta. Chocolate flavorings always mask the chalky taste of whey protein the best, so it’s no surprise this flavor is one of the better ones. It has a rich cocoa flavor and a big chunks of chocolate. As an added bonus, this is one of the all-natural flavors that use only Stevia and no artificial sucralose as the sweetening agent. This is the base bar that gave birth to Mint Chocolate Chunk, but I would take a Thin Mint over a Double Chocolate Chip cookie every time.
6) Cookies and Cream: These Quest Bars suffer most from the change to soluble corn fiber and the new ingredients. They once tasted exactly like Oreos and were my #2, but the new recipe doesn’t deliver the same sweetness they once had. It’s possible I’m eating from a bad batch or am just an unqualified jackass, but the new Cookies and Cream makes me long for the return of sweet, sweet IMOs despite having absolutely no idea what IMOs are.
7) Lemon Cream Pie: Hands down the most underrated Quest Bar out there. You do have to like lemons because there is a kick-ass lemon sourness to every bite. It contains enough stevia to sweeten it to a point that evokes “lemon cream pie.” I feel like nobody gives this bar a chance, and that makes me sad. Sad enough to eat 19 Quest Bars and review them for the entire world (my Mom and that one guy from Armenia that really likes this blog).
8) Pumpkin Pie: This flavor is a limited edition and you know how much that turns me on. Pumpkin Pie is the first ever coated Quest Bar, wearing a warm jacket of graham cracker crumbles and pumpkin orange icing. We reviewed this bar solo and found it to taste like smooth vanilla and subtle cinnamon spice. I was hoping for more pumpkin spice from this bar, but then again I hope for more pumpkin spice in everything I eat. It’s still quite tasty, so just eat it with whipped cream or cram it into an actual pumpkin pie.
9) Chocolate Brownie: These bars are darker than night with a deep cocoa flavoring. They taste saltier than some of the other chocolate flavors, which is necessary to try and capture the essence of a brownie. Because these bars are a health product, they don’t contain enough sweetness to be a fair representation of an actual brownie. If brownies are your thing, just bake some real brownies and fit them into your macros. Nobody is keeping track anyway.
10) Cinnamon Bun: Of all the Quest Bars on the market, this one tastes the most like its name. By far the stickiest Quest Bar, the flavor is a cinnamon explosion. There’s a rich butteriness to this bar, even though there is no butter of any sort used. It also smells divine, because the scent of fresh-baked cinnamon buns is one of the most powerful forces on Earth. This bar would make Poppin’ Fresh proud.
11) Coconut Cashew This is one of my personal favorites, so I’ve inexplicably ranked it 11th. It’s one of the most unique as it uses both dried coconut and real cashews that aren’t featured in any other bar. The coconut adds so much natural sweetness that this bar still manages to taste sweeter than most despite not using sucralose. They’re no Toasted Coconut Oreos, but they’re a real treat. I know coconut is polarizing, so I stuck it here in the middle to maintain some credibility (is anybody reading this?)
12) Vanilla Almond Crunch: Does anyone even know this bar exists? I see people eating Quest Bars all the time, and it’s never this one. I know I’ve got it ranked all the way down here, but this bar is quite good. Bold vanilla flavor with crunchy bits of almond. The type of person who eats Quest Bars also probably drinks Vanilla Almond milk so this bar should be more popular than it is. What holds this bar back is its severe lack of chocolate or pumpkin. I love this bar, but I never buy it either.
13) Peanut Butter Supreme: I have a personal issue with this bar. It’s more or less fine, but the image shows what appears to be a chocolate peanut butter pie with whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and a metric ton of peanuts on top of it. This just tasted like roasted peanuts. The ingredient list contains both peanuts and almonds. It does NOT contain “delicious slice of chocolate peanut butter pie.” Let’s relax before we call ourselves “Supreme.” For this reason, Peanut Butter Supreme is the most pretentious asshole on the market.
14) Chocolate Peanut Butter: I like this bar upon first bite, but it suffers from an odd aftertaste. A Reese’s peanut butter cup this Quest Bar is not. Because it contains only 2g of sugar and no sucralose, the mostly unsweetened cocoa combines with mostly unsweetened peanut butter flavor to land in a somewhat bitter place. Some sucralose probably would have fixed this, or about 30g of actual table sugar. This bar still has chocolate in it, so I’m going to keep eating it until I look like The Rock.
15) Apple Pie: Now that we’re finally done with chocolate, let’s talk about some of the other bars. This bar is a nice fall flavor. It tastes like a cinnamon-spiced apple more than it does an apple pie. It kind of reminds me of eating applesauce as a small child. I got made fun of as a kid. Moving on…
16) Banana Nut Muffin: This bar doesn’t get its due, not even from me.  While it tastes quite good, it’s at a severe disadvantage on shelves merely because banana is the lead flavor. It combines bananas with walnuts and cinnamon to taste like a fresh banana nut muffin or banana bread. Could be a little sweeter. Donkey Kong would absolutely eat this if Mario didn’t kill him.
17) Strawberry Cheesecake: This bar uses dried strawberries to deliver a well-executed strawberry flavor. I’m less impressed with how they went about capturing “cheesecake.” There is a general creaminess here that, when combined with the softer texture of this Quest Bar, makes you at least think about cheesecake. I think about cheesecake quite a bit, and this bar doesn’t suppress that craving.
18) Peanut Butter & Jelly: This bar smells like a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, which is a promising start. The flavor is roasted peanuts with a fruity tartness that could pass as either raspberry or strawberry. The fruit flavor tastes slightly fake, probably a direct result of the sucralose. The ingredient lists only gives me the mysterious “natural flavor,” which doesn’t help me identify the fruit. I’m not sure why they didn’t use dried fruit like in other bars. To see how authentic this PB&J flavor was, I ate it between two slices of white bread. It was terrible, so I ranked it all the way down here.
19) Mixed Berry Bliss: These bars contain dried blueberries and dried strawberries. Ok, NOW I know why PB&J didn’t use real dried fruit. These bars are funky. They simply aren’t sweet enough to stand out amongst all the other desserty flavor varieties. Is this what real food tastes like? I feel like this bar is the healthiest, which is why I’ve ranked it dead last on this list.
And that’s it, folks… a review of every Quest Bar ever created. I’m going to go lift (take a nap) because I just consumed 399g of protein.
Try These Related Bars:
Original content:

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Fitness and Health Benefits of Sauna

Most people claim that sauna is considerably beneficial for all sorts of medical ailments such as headaches, arthritis, cold, and more. Many of these claims are indeed true, as there is a decent amount of research which proves there are all sorts of health benefits one can gain through a session of sauna.
Simply put, sweating it out in a sauna helps keep a variety of issues at bay while providing some much needed relief to the body’s systems and organs.

The Effects of Heat on Organs and Systems

·         Liver: When you take a sauna, the congestion of blood in the liver is considerably reduced. This helps improve the liver’s ability of detoxification.
·         Kidneys: While you are sweating, blood gets sent away from the kidneys as it goes towards the surface of your body. Due to this, the kidneys are unburdened as the toxins are purged through sweating.
·         Cardiovascular System: In a session of sauna, both the stroke and pulse volumes increase. The surface vessels tend to dilate since blood gets shunted from the internal organs. Sauna, on a routine basis, assists in decreasing elevated levels of blood pressure by improving elasticity in the arteries and removing all sorts of toxins from the kidneys.
·         Immune System: As the body is heated by several degrees, it increases the activity of white blood cells and destroys all microorganisms which are sensitive to heat.
·         Nervous System: Through a session of sauna, your sympathetic nervous system is inhibited while your parasympathetic nervous system is strengthened. What this means is that a sauna provides calming effects for the nervous system.


Sweating is fantastic for the removal of toxins. Most of the substances which are eliminated out of the kidneys can instead be eliminated from the skin. Due to this, sweating assists in unburdening the kidneys.
In case you didn’t know, sweating through exercise isn’t the same as sweating through a steam room or sauna. Firstly, a sauna conserves the body’s energy as it provides external heat. This provides energy for the detoxification. Secondly, sweating through exercise tends to activate the sympathetic nervous system, and this reduces the eliminative organs’ activity (colon, kidneys, liver).


You must’ve heard that saunas are useful for detoxification. This is because heating the body by several degrees increases circulation dramatically. Dr. Lawrence Wilson, a well qualified physician, tells us that this assists in removing toxins from the places which are otherwise hard to reach, such as teeth, sinuses, and bones.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

How to Avoid Injuries at the Gym

Needless to say, almost every athlete is at constant risk of getting an injury. This is mostly because these individuals push their bodies to the limit every now and then, and unless they bring things along in the correct manner and at the right pace, injuries are inevitable.
Bodybuilders are at a similar risk of developing injuries, in the form of strains, muscle tears, sprains, tendinitis, or even hernias or bursitis.

Don’t Show Off

The point is, with proper care and common sense, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to enjoy a successful career in bodybuilding while being free of any injuries. The primary cause of injuries to bodybuilders is definitely carelessness, specifically when they are performing near-limit lifts. The “show off” aspect plays a huge role in sudden injuries.

Avoiding Curls Early On in Your Workout

You shouldn’t ever be tempted to lift heavy dumbbells to pull them overhead. This may lead to a pinched nerve, and that can cause pain for several years. It is universally agreed upon by all fitness experts that you should never begin the workout with barbell curls. Of course, the exercise is good, but you should refrain from starting your workout with it because it locks the elbow joint, which leaves your biceps vulnerable to injury.

Warming Up Properly/Stretching

Warming up is an important aspect of all training programs, so you shouldn’t neglect it. Before you perform any exercise, you need to carry out at least a single set of 10 to 15 reps with nearly 50 percent of the limit. If you aren’t a fan of doing a high repetitions warm up, then you can do 2 or 3 sets of lower repetition warm ups. But only use nearly 50% of your maximum.
Another safeguard against injuries is practicing some sort of stretching before starting your workout. In order to get a complete stretch, the muscles need to be warm. As such, you should wear a sweat suit in cold temperatures.

Taking Care in Key Exercises

You need to take particular care if you’re doing a few key exercises. For example, in the squat, you should keep your back flat at all times, while also keeping your head up. You should refrain from bouncing out a squat. Apart from squats, the deadlift also needs to be carried out with a flat back and head up.

Similarly, when you are performing the bent over rowing, you need to keep the knees bent and back flat. Always remember that this is a risky exercise, since your lower back is significantly susceptible to strain while heavy weights are being used. As such, try doing one arm dumbbell rows instead, in which your other arm is able to support the torso on a bench.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Losing Weight and Fat Through a Cardio/Weight Training Program

When considering weight training in order to lose weight, most of the people are concerned that they will actually start looking bigger as they gain more muscle.
One thing is for certain, including weight training into your routine will definitely result in muscle buildup. At the beginning, it might seem like you aren’t making progress in terms of weight loss. However, if you stick to it, you will begin noticing several changes in your body, such as muscular tone, increase in energy, and better-fitting clothes.

Why Weightlifting is a Powerful Tool

Weightlifting is an incredibly powerful tool as far as weight loss is concerned. Of course, weight training isn’t usually considered an aerobic activity. It primarily makes use of the glycogen system in order to produce energy. Your own heart rate is likely to increase while you are lifting weights, and if you work out for around 40 minutes, you will be able to burn a considerable amount of calories.
The average individual burns nearly 2,000 calories a day simply by carrying out their routine activities. If you add weight training to your daily routine, you will be able to burn extra calories each day that you work out. One pound of fat equals nearly 3,500 calories, which is why you need all the more calories you can burn every day through weight training to lose a pound of fat every week.

Including Cardio Into Your Weekly Regimen

Another interesting fact is that you can burn even more calories a week by including a cardio session or two into your weekly workout regime. To make this work, you can consider getting a fitness tracker to see the number of calories you get to burn. By doing this, you will be able to adjust all your workouts properly.
While lifting weights puts several of your muscle groups to work, cardio sets the tone for an overall healthy and well balanced body. It strengthens your lower body, increases your heart rate, while also providing you all sorts of health benefits. And let’s not forget the fact that cardio is the ultimate tool for boosting metabolism and burning fat even while you are at rest.

Resistance Cardio

Resistance cardio consists of a combination of cardiovascular training with resistance training. For example, rowing with added resistance is a form of resistance cardio, and so is riding a stationary bike which on high setting. If your primary goal is to lose weight, get healthier, and have a more toned appearance, combining resistance and cardio together is definitely an excellent idea. With a session of resistance cardio every once in a while, you will make sure your body torches fat and burns calories like never before.

Related Links:

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Monday, April 4, 2016

All You Need To Know About The Side Effects Of Using Steroids

If you are looking to enhance your performance levels and gain competitive  advantage by taking performance enhancing drugs or steroids, then it is important that you first understand the side effects of using them. Steroids are referred to as a group of drugs that are used to treat a number of medical conditions by regulating the immune system and enhancing reproduction. Furthermore, they help in the treatment of many other medical conditions such as inflammation. 
In order to gain muscles, nowadays many young and old people are turning to steroids. However, steroids can cause adverse health effects, which is the reason why using them without prescription is illegal. It is quite unfortunate that many athletes today are using performances enhanced drugs (PEDs) to boost their performance and win accolades. Doping is the term used when athletes indulge in such activities. Doping not only lands them a ban from their particular sport/competition, but it also affects their health negatively.
Following are the two types of steroids and their negative side effects.

Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids treat certain medical conditions related to hormone deficiencies, late puberty, and muscle loss. Furthermore, they promote the growth of male skeletal muscles. In order to improve athletic performance and facilitate muscle growth, many athletes and body builders use anabolic steroids. However, this practice is illegal and causes many health problems. The most common anabolic steroids side effects include:
·         Hair loss
·         Oil hair/skin
·         Acne
·         Liver Damage
·         Disruption of puberty in children
·         High Blood pressure
·         Increased sexual appetite and aggression
·         Infertility
·         Excess body of facial hair
·         Depression
·         Heart Disease
·         Kidney Disease
·         Breast tissue development in men
·         Deeper voice in women
·         Shrinking of testicles in men
·         Abnormal menstrual cycles in women
·         Male impotence
·         Breast development cessation in women
·         Reduce sperm production
·         Enlarged clitoris in women

Apart from the aforementioned side effects, anabolic steroids can make you psychologically and physically dependent on them. Use of anabolic steroids can cause severe depression and may even lead to suicide. The side effects of anabolic steroids can persist for up to a year after you stop using them. These side effects include steroid cravings, reduced sex drive, insomnia, loss of appetite, restlessness, fatigue, and mood swings. Oxandrolone, methyltestosterone, testosterone, and danazol are examples of anabolic steroids.

Androgenic Steroids

Organ development and the development of male sexual characteristics are the two things androgenic steroids aid in. Individuals with growth deficiency and potency related issues are the ones androgenic steroids are meant for. There are many side effects of repeatedly using this type of steroids. These include facial hair growth in females and breast development in males.

There are two types of steroids available today in terms of consumption, oral and injectable. The injectable steroids include Depo, Deca, and Equipoise, while Oxandrin, Dianabol, and Androl are examples of oral steroids. However, it is important that you keep the serious  side effects of steroids in mind before you use any of the above-mentioned drugs.

Related Amazon Links:

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