Monday, September 30, 2013

What's your body type!

Knowing your body type is an important part of effectively reaching your physical fitness goals (building muscle, losing weight or both). There are three general body types ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.
Knowing your body type and its associated metabolism allows you to customize both your diet and fitness routine to achieve the results you desire.

The first body type is the ectomorph. This body type tends to have a fast metabolism and are slim (skinnier men & women). Ectomorphs generally don't have a hard time losing weight/burning calories due to their naturally fast metabolism. They generally can eat what they want and not put on much weight (size). In order for ectomorphs to gain size I advise lifting heavier weights in lower rep ranges (6-8 reps), increasing calories and decreasing cardio.

Second is the mesomorph. This is what some consider the ideal body type. Mesomorphs tend to be naturally more muscular and athletic in build. They build muscle and burn fat easily. This allows mesomorphs to stay in shape quite easily with the proper routine. A mesomorph has a moderate metabolism, not to fast and not to slow which is ideal for burning fat and retaining muscle easily.

Third is the endomorph. This body type has the slowest metabolism, and as a result has more of a challenge losing weight. Losing weight is definitely possible but requires close attention to nutrition and staying disciplined to eating correctly. Endomorphs benefit from a circuit style training routine because it keeps them moving, which keeps the heart rate up and burns more calories. Cardio is also beneficial to the endomorph.

Furthermore, someone can also be a combination of two body types; this knowledge is useful to customizing your diet and fitness routine as well. Remember, knowing your body type is beneficial in reaching your training/fitness goals through customizing your routine. Therefore, learn your body type and design your fitness approach accordingly.

QUESTION: What is your body type? Is it one category or a combination of two? 

*Remember to follow my Instagram @angeloufitness. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Training tools for the beginner! Why squat?


Hi guys, I thought of a few tips for beginners training at home that I would like to share. Gym memberships are great, but if you don't have one there are still ways to train in your own home. I suggest that one of the first pieces of equipment that you purchase is a set of 5-10 pound dumbbells. 
First, they are fairly inexpensive, portable, and versatile as you can incorporate them in many home workout routines. Second, they are a great start for women who are interested in beginning training, building strength, endurance and shaping a new body composition (goals may differ) that incorporates less fat and a more lean and curvy looking physique. Third, dumbbells are great as they can be incorporated into your high intensity cardio routines to add a strength and endurance component which leads to burning more calories!
Dumbbells are an ideal tool for compound exercises. Compound exercises are movements that incorporate multiple muscle groups i.e. a standing squat with shoulder press or a reverse lunge with bicep curl. Compound exercises also burn more calories as they incorporate multiple muscle groups.

Below are instructions and a brief demonstration on performing a standing squat with a bicep curl & shoulder press (compound exercise) using dumbbells: 

1). Description: To perform the Dumbbell Squat, hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides (to take the loading stress off the spine). Squat no lower than 90 degrees, or until your thighs are parallel to the ground, to protect the knees and back. Power (stand) up by simultaneously contracting the quads and moving the hips forward until you reach standing position. Now proceed to step 2.

2).Description: To perform the Dumbbell Curl and Press, now standing with dumbbells at your sides, keeping your shoulders back and head tall. Begin by bending the elbows to curl the dumbbells up to the shoulders. From here, quickly turn the palms away from you and press the dumbbells straight overhead (keeping your upper arms close to your ears). Lower slowly and repeat step #1 & #2. See images below:

Why squat? 
Squats are an ideal addition to your strength training routine because they work several muscle groups at the same time. The exercise doesn't require much space or equipment, so it can be done at home. Some people hold dumbbells as they squat to increase the challenge to their muscles. 

What muscles do squats work on?Squats work the entire lower body, specifically the quadriceps (front of upper thigh), hamstrings (back of upper thigh), glutes (buttocks), and the muscles that make up the calves.

Question: What tips/workout routines do you feel may be helpful? 

Leave any questions and or suggestions in the comment section and I will get back to you! Thanks again!