Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to Build a Leaner Body!

Many are interested in the process of building a leaner body. Let's start out with what the terms "lean body," or "lean out" mean! These phrases are generally used when a person wants to decrease their overall body fat (percentage) and reveal more of the lean muscle hiding underneath. 

Furthermore, the way the human body is designed, our fatty tissue (body fat) is the outer most layer. Next, underlying the fatty tissue is our lean muscle mass (muscles). The lean muscle is what gives the body the desired (curvy) sculpted look. 

Therefore, in order to see your (lean) muscle you must first burn off (get ride of) the layer of fat covering it. Keep in mind that it's possible to train and build muscle while burning minimal body fat. Moreover, lean muscle mass can be built and coexist under the layer of fat tissue covering it. This can be troublesome for many training and not seeing results. Therefore, the particular training method, and fitness goal are very important. 

*High intensity interval training (HIIT) will burn more calories, lose more fat, and gain more muscle; all in a shorter, more intense workout.

*What is high intensity interval training?
High intensity interval training is an exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense exercises with less-intense (short) recovery periods. High intensity training is a form of strength, conditioning,
& cardiovascular exercise. This type of workout provides improved athletic condition, improved sugar metabolism and best of all improved fat burning.

*The after burn effect:
As an added bonus, there's also an after burn effect. After high intensity training your metabolism increases and burns more calories for up to 24 additional hours after your training. Whereas going for a jog burns no calories after. 

Depending on your individual metabolism, body type (see my blog "What's Your Body Type"), present physical condition, and fitness goal, the individual fitness plan/approach may differ. All these things should be taken into consideration when deciding how to approach reaching your goal.

A high intensity cardio routine coupled with weight training (strength and conditioning) is one approach that will allow you to build lean muscle mass while burning some body fat along the way. 

For every 1 pound of lean muscle that you gain your body will burn 50 additional calories at rest. This means that as your body adds more lean muscle, the more efficient it will be at burning calories and losing weight. Please keep in mind that your eating lifestyle (nutrition) also plays a significant roll in this process (see my previous blog "Clean Eating," and download my 14-Day Meal Plan for only 0.99 cents. See below for ordering instructions). 

If your ready to take your workouts to the next level, burn fat, and"lean out," then add a high intensity component to your routine and take full advantage of the after burn effect.

***Angelou-Inc's 14 Day Meal Plan***

 CLICK LINK & BUY NOW: 14 Day Meal-Plan Only 0.99 Cents! Enter your email in the order screen and the plan will be sent to your email. 

Eat better & feel better!!